~Hello guys~IntroductionYou might've heard of this clan. SacredTrainers. It's a clan that existed 2 years ago. on the PurpleSurge Server it was 1 of the most well known clans and 1 of the biggest aswell. I also was the leader of this clan, so me and Gen together remade it. SacredTrainers was what CR is, just in a different name. We changed names to CR. From CR, there was FD. And from FD came DA. I left when FD changed to DA. Some old ST members like NecrossLich and Taylor_Rain stayed into DA, unfortunately. Now that SacredTrainers has rised once again, we shall try to become a big and become a very known clan, aswell as being a strong clan. We have some things that makes us different from other clans. I'll explain those things.
Tier Mastery SystemInstead of gyms, like most clans have, we have come up with something very different. Tier masters. The name already explains it> In each Tier, we have a battler which knows a lot of that tier. I'm talking about the usual threats, the counters, the metagame basically. For each tier there will be assigned 1 master. The tiers we'll be using are:
- Uber Tier
- Overused Tier
- Underused Tier
We didn't do Bordline because we thought that there isn't a good enough metagame on there. Neverused is basically a neverused tier, but we might add that later. Each Tier Master can make a sort of thread. Here you can battle that Tier Master. The Tier Master can put special requirements to battle him, however. For example, you must beat another person before you can battle him, or he requires you to use a specific pokemon. Or if he/she is a nice person, he won't let you do any requirements. When you've beat all Tier Masters, you're officially called to be the Champion of the clan. The champion can also be challenged. In order to do this, you have to battle him in all tiers i listed. If you beat him on all tiers, you're the new champion. If not, well better luck next time. Tier Mastery is the ultimate challenge of pokemon. As you battle in most tiers, so you learn to be good at most tiers.
Tutor ProgramUnlike the Tier Mastery system, this program is used by a lot of clans. We might do them a bit different though. Like the name suggests, anyone in the clan can sign up for a tutor program. In here we train him until he knows the basics of battling. He can also ask for a specific Tier to be trained in. We learn people how to predict, build decent teams, and to be unpredictable! The program is always active. So if someone just signs up a Tutor can assign the tutee to himself, and train him. We train the Tutee for for an unlimited amount of time. He's done when the Tutor thinks he's good enough. We can also learn the Tutee how to breed a decent pokemon.
Requirements to joinTo join the SacredTrainers clan, you have to know what EVs and IVs are, and you need to know a bit about the metagame. Ofcourse, he can't use a hacking device to hack his pokemon. Action Replay is fine if he uses it for good reasons. Like encountering specific pokemon to EV train or cloning. In order to join, you have to battle 1 person of our clan and beat him in a battle. If you didn't beat the member of our clan, then you can't join. Unless he thinks you can for a reason.
I hope i've told enough to let you join our clan. To join, you can go to our chat, and ask to battle someone. We also have forums but we give that after you joined. Here's the link to the chatroom of SacredTrainers: http://www.purplesurge.com/chat/sacredtrainers.html
I hope you enjoy our clan